It hasn't any concept or explanation behind it, just it's name, "Root", simply because it's my first sculpture, therefore I consider it the root of all my future work to come
I think it's a good chance to talk about the way I work. When working on a piece, or a proyect, I always have to think it very carefully, improvising or working spontaneously doesn't work well for me, I rather have everything well thought before starting, that way I can prevent problems and make sure it's something I want to invest my time in, as I consider it something interesting. Then I don't get bored while I work on it and therefore leave it unfinished. I think that I should invest my time only in things that are worth the time and the effort.
Also, for me it's basic to work with my own hands, and spending time working on a proyect. I like to think beforehand about all the details, but I also understand that each proyect evolves as time passes, just as I do, sometimes differing a lot from the first idea. Working with the materials and the tools by myself gives time to the piece to develop, when I'm working on a piece, I'm putting my ideas, my time and even my feelings in it; as a sculpture piece usually isn't finished quickly, that's also part of the development of the proyect and the piece as it can envolve a lot of time an effort
I think that art is not simply a concept. I also think that it is important to not only work on the concept but in the piece because that way the result is more than the add of the parts
Great! Keep up the good work!